Treatment that’s been shown to work
We offer a Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) informed treatment approach. It is an internationally recognised, evidence based treatment for disturbances in mood and behaviour.
The Day Clinic provides independent therapy day programmes both for adults and for adolescents.
Our therapies are located in a centrally accessible and appealing setting on Oxford Road, Saxonwold, Johannesburg.

The Intensive Programme
As a registered and licensed Day Hospital, The Day Clinic programme is included under most Hospital Plans.
Outpatient DBT & Support Groups
The Outpatient Service is now open for referrals for twice weekly group therapy. We offer a DBT informed group therapy approach to managing feelings and developing effective coping skills.
Professional DBT Training & Supervision
We provide specialist Training and Supervision to practitioners working in the area of mental health in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) informed treatments.